The Weblog

This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.

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Spa City Local Farm Market Co-op:  The market is now closed for ordering

The Spa City Co-op market is now closed for ordering.
Please mark your calendars to pick up your orders at Emergent Arts on Friday October 2nd from 3:30 – 5:30, preferably before 5 pm.

this market’s manager
Karen Schuman

The Cumming Harvest - Closed:  Newsletter - September 30th, 2015

Good Morning,

This will be a short email today. I am out of town with my daughter, niece and sister enjoying some girl time in the Smokey Mountains. Plus, typing on a iPhone may be easy for some it isn’t a preferred way for me. I’ll get back to my normal communication next week.

The website is open for ordering, you may now place items into your cart.

I hope everyone is enjoying fall break.


Champaign, OH:  Last Call!

Last call…get your groove on, and your market orders placed!!

Your market manager is beyond tired, and will be closing the market, promptly, at 10pm!

Check out seasonal produce, items that scream the autumn season, and fun, whimsical items, like fairy crowns!

Go, order, make it all happen!

Peace, Love, Good Vibes…
Cosmic Pam

New Field Farm's Online Market:  A hard frost


The potatoes are now $1.60/lb. The Purple Majesty are done.

We woke up Sunday morning to find we had had a hard frost. I had seen no warning of it, but should have been vigilant what with a full moon on a clear, calm night at the end of September. It took out the field tomatoes, squash, pepper and eggplant foliage (but not the peppers or eggplant), and singed the summer crisp. At least it took out a lot of galinsoga as well, our worst weed.

And the clear, calm night and full moon that followed gave us the chance to see the beautiful and mysterious eclipse.

So we have what we still have, which is a fair amount, but the season is winding down bit by bit.

Thank you for your continuing support.


ALFN Local Food Club:  Weblog Entry

Good Evening,

I failed to mention this past Sunday that the market also has new pumpkin listings. If that doesn’t make you want to make a pile of leaves and jump into them, then maybe the assorted acorn and butternut combos will do it.

Make sure you check out our Volunteer Page for openings this week and in the months to come.You can sign up to what best fits your schedule. Thanks!

Remember to finalize your orders before tomorrow at noon.

All the best,

Kyle Holton
Program & Market Manager

Champaign, OH:  Hey, Now!! It's Countdown Time!!

Hello, little market of love customers!!

It is Tuesday evening, I am here to remind you that you have less than 2 hours for this week’s market, and it’s time to get your orders in!!

I will give you a last call, but why not just get your order wrapped up, ahead of time? You will stress free, and locally loved, all week…

Peace, Love, Good Vibes…
Cosmic Pam

Martin's Farmstand:  Cauliflower

Hello again on a rainy fall evening. There is something cozy about relaxing in a warm house with the smells of good food cooking and a wonderful family all around.

I have lots of nice cauliflower right now. Bulk pricing is a 25 lb tubful for $25 or we also have a buy two get 1 free sale on it right now. This sale will remain as long as we have lots of cauliflower. This week or next week is the time to freeze or pickle your winter supply.

We still have plenty of both sweet corn and green and yellow beans. I am just starting to pick on the last plantings for the year for both of these crops. They will be gone with in a week or two. We are still picking both tomatoes and cucumbers from the greenhouse again.

The lettuce is at its prime right now- sweet and good. Radish, onions, peppers, potatoes, beets, carrots, brussel sprouts- the stand is packed with all sorts of fall foods. Come soon and get yourself the finest food in Potsdam for your cooking and canning needs. Daniel

Old99Farm Market:  Old 99 Farm, week of Sept 27, 2015

Lamb is in stock, roasts and chops, ground and soup bones. Also mutton stew/kabobs and ground.

As of Sept 27th, we can offer 48 items including the following crops: cherry tomatoes(red, yellow and orange), cilantro, parsley, basil, napa and early white cabbage, arugula (rocket), kale, three varieties of chard, red cabbage, collards, and beets, peppers, eggplant, spaghetti squash.

This saturday is our cider making party, weather permitting. We’ll harvest apples, and cut and mash them as we chat and socialize. Kid friendly. 2 to 4pm, RSVP if coming. Bring a jug to take home your juice and your own apples if you prefer.

Have you been keeping up on your climate news?
Joe Romm at Climate Progress makes it quite easy for us, as in this article about the national carbon emissions pledges countries are making. "The point is that a successful outcome of Paris will not “solve the climate problem” and indeed won’t give us a 2°C world, as anyone who is paying attention understands. (Sadly, a lot of folks in the media aren’t paying attention.)

The bad news, of course, is that since about 2007 leading climate experts have been explaining we only have five to 10 years to act. I debunked the myth that they’ve “always” been saying that in my May post, “The Really Awful Truth About Climate Change.”

So what Paris can accomplish is to give us another five to 10 years of … having five to 10 years to act!!! Woo-hoo."

You can see on this graph that the INDC line tracks the 2degC line for the next few years.

Spa City Local Farm Market Co-op:  Reminder, Market closes tonight

Don’t forget to place your order for Spa City Co-op at before tonight at 9 pm. Hope to see you Friday. Have a great day.

Tullahoma Locally Grown:  Rainy Tuesday

Good Morning.

It looks like it will be a rainy day today. As much as we need the rain, it can make it hazardous to drive. So, instead of going to the grocery store today, how about shopping at your Tullahoma Locally Grown Market? It is open until Wednesday at noon.

Here is the link to the market: Tullahoma Locally Grown Market

Thank you for your support. Have a great day,
Fuel So Good Coffee Roasters