The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Siloam Springs, AR: Online Market is Open,
Check out the newest listing by Dorothy of M&D Specialty Growers – Chinese Chestnuts! These are Certified Naturally Grown and sold by the pound. We are so pleased to be able to offer these at our market!
She also has figs available but they are producing a little more slowly. If you are interested in figs please email me at
Per-order your favorite items and pick them up Saturday morning between 9 a.m. And noon.
Dothan, Alabama: Closed this week...Online Ordering Resumes Saturday, September 26th
Market At Dothan_Eating Locally, Year Round

Market At Dothan Locally Grown
How to contact us:’
Our Website:
On Facebook:
Market News
We’ll be back next Saturday, September 26th @ 5pm for online ordering! Have a great week!
Thank You!
Carolina Foothills, SC: Market is Open
I was advised awhile back NOT to put too much of myself (personal) into these messages because I was Creeping Peoeple out so….
Not giving to much detail…..
I opened the market this week because I am pretty sure I will be here….
I am having some personal issues.
Basically, I can get a call at a moments notice that will result in me jumping State. By that I mean I will need to go to PA.
When I get the go ahead I Will be gone for a couple of months. (2-3)
I am NOT sure what to do…. Keeping the market closed is bad business but then letting people order then having to remove orders because I was called away is also bad business…..
If anyone has any suggestions I am willing to hear them…..
Anyway, I did open the market this week because I am almost certain I am going to be here.
Thanks for understanding,
Statesboro Market2Go: Vegetables galore! We are open!
The market is open and we have lots of vegetables in season:
Radish, okra, zipper cream peas, pink eye peas, sadandy peas, onions, kale, lettuce, sweet potatoes, collards and more! Be sure to order!
DONATION NEEDED: USED GARDEN SHED – We’re looking for a small garden shed in solid condition to install at a garden at the in Augusta. “Angel Veggies” is part of a GROW Harrisburg initiative to help local residents start healthy-food micro- businesses. The grower, Angel Newman, runs a small urban garden that currently grows and sells to four local chefs. The garden is located at the on Telfair in Augusta. We can pick up; tax-deductible! Can
WHOLESALE OPTIONS FOR CHEFS: Attention local chefs! A wholesale on-line market is coming your way soon! Big thanks to Tara Roberts for helping us get this off the ground. We’ll start with just a few farmers and chefs to work out the kinks. Contact Kim if you’re willing to be part of the experiment.
SUN, SEPT 20 – BRIDGE BUILDING GARDEN-TO-TABLE COMMUNITY MEAL IN HARRISBURG – St Luke UMC will host a Sunday evening community meal – block party style – featuring a sampling of veggies from many of the 100 in Harrisburg raised bed gardens throughout the neighborhood. The meal will be prepared by participants of our FVRx program along with volunteers and farmers. 5pm. Free and open to all. Contact if you can help cook on Saturday or Sunday!
MON, SEPT 22 – BENDERDIGGER YOUTH GARDENING KICK-OFF – ALG is honored to play a part in the “Benderdigger” Youth Gardening Program in Evans. We help bring in experts to teach the kids an organic gardening curriculum from soil-to-plate. This program will run on Monday evenings starting September 14. If you can help teach a class, please let me know. This week’s theme is “seeds.” Contact
MON, SEPT 28 – VEGGIE-CENTRIC COOKING CLASS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS – Chef Megan Alig of Culinary Connections challenges second-year medical students to cook with the same seasonal, local, farmers market produce that they prescribe to their patients through our Fruit & Vegetable Prescription Program. Not as easy as you might think! Health care professionals: Wanna learn more? Contact
TUE, SEPT 29 – ALG QUARTERLY BOARD MEETING – Got ideas? Got suggestions? Got frustrations? Our quarterly board meeting is where we work them out. Send yours to Board President Amy Sutter,
FRI, OCT 2 – POLLINATION EDUCATION FOR PRESCHOOL STUDENTS – We’re honored to return to the “Bee Hive Pre School” in Evans for a second round of pollination education.
SUN, OCT 4 — FARM-TO-PARK DINNER TO BENEFIT PENDLETON KING PARK & FEATURING CHEF CHARLEEN — Save the date for what will surely be the biggest farm to table event that Augusta’s ever seen! Chef Charleen of Culinary Connections will feature local foods at this Pendleton King Park fundraiser… and ALG will serve it up! Volunteers: contact Kim Hines. Farmers: contact Chef Charleen!! To buy a ticket, visit Or email Anne Johnson at
SUN, OCT 18 – FALL FARM FEST AT CLYDE’S FRESH PRODUCE – Tour this local, Certified Naturally Grown farm in Grovetown. Get to know your farmers! Bring the kids. Buy fresh from the farm. 2pm-6pm.
MON, OCT 26 – ALG AT THE KIWANINS CLUB – Looking forward to sharing the news about our educational initiatives, including G.R.O.W. Harrisburg, with this local group, the 4th largest Kiwanis Club in the world! Thanks for the invitation!
TUE, OCT 27 – CLOSING DAY OF THE VEGGIE TRUCK FARMERS MARKET – Join the GROW Harrisburg team along with the Jr League as we put on a Halloween theme community meal and healthy kids festival. 4pm-7pm. 1850 Broad Street, Augusta. Across from the Kroc Center.
SAT, OCT 31 – HAUNTED HARRISBURG: MEET THE NEIGHBORHOOD’S FRIENDLY GHOSTS – ALG will join efforts with GRU students and Harrisburg residents to host a botanical clean up and children’s carnival, including healthy snacks, at the Rollersville Cemetery in Harrisburg. Volunteers definitely needed! Times: 9am-3pm.
MON, NOV 2 – MEET & GREET FOR THE TEDX AUGUSTA SPEAKERS – What better way to embrace our community’s movers and shakers than by feeding them local foods and introducing them to the people who grow it. Volunteer farmers and cooks: we need you for this one!
TUE, NOV 3 – TURKEY ROSE GARDEN CLUB – We always appreciate the opportunity to speak to garden clubs about local foods. Want to add us to your calendar? Contact
JAN 29 – TEDX AUGUSTA – We’re very excited to again play a part in helping with the TedxAugusta event in 2016. What a great way to promote local foods among our community’s deep thinkers. Wanna help that day, or in the months leading up to it? Contact
Tullahoma Locally Grown: Today is Sep 18 and Your Tullahoma Locally Grown Market is Open
Good Morning.
Your Tullahoma Locally Grown Market is now open. Feel free to browse and select your items between now and Wednesday at noon.
Here is the link to the market: Tullahoma Locally Grown Market
Thank you for your support. Have a great day,
Fuel So Good Coffee Roasters
Joyful Noise Acres Farm: The on line market is open for ordering.
Greens, glorious greens! The fall crops are quietly coming in and I am so excited. Kale salad, collard greens and sausage, roasted cabbage and brussel sprouts…the list goes on. I can’t wait to see what GA Farm to Table has for us this week. They will be updating the market as soon as their growers report what is available this week.
Don’t forget to place your orders for Elderberry syrup this week. Dena will deliver in October but needs to know how much to bring.
We currently have unsalted butter but no salted. I have placed another order for salted but it may be a few weeks before it is ready.
Thank you for making the effort to support locally grown foods. Every dollar really does make a difference to your farmers.
Mary Beth
Suwanee Whole Life Co-op: Market is OPEN for orders!
The market is now open for ordering!
Order TODAY so you don’t forget! :-)
If you do NOT receive a confirmation email immediately after you placed your order, then your items are still in your cart and your order is not complete. All orders must be placed by 6pm on Sunday.
Pick up is on Tuesday at 4942 Austin Park Avenue, Buford 30518 from 1pm to 6:30 pm.
We take checks, cash, credit card and Dwolla
Please make sure you understand our pick up policy before you order.
Have a blessed weekend!
Heirloom Living Market Lilburn: Market is Open! Come on in...
The Market is now Open…Happy Shopping!
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 4:30 – 6:30pm
Pickup Location: All Saints Lutheran Church
722 Rockbridge Road SW
Lilburn, GA 30047
Click Here for Map
Order now since you are just a click way!
Azure Standard
Azure Standard Pickup: Monday, October 12th at Noon
Pickup Location: 963 Buford Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Drop #: 796431 Route: Q5
Drop Name: Heirloom Living Market Lawrenceville
Drop Coordinator: Maryanne Vaeth
Contact Information: Email Drop Coordinator
Phone: 404-432-4337
This Group on Facebook will keep you up to date on the “happenings” with this service!
Azure Standard Lawrenceville Drop Information: My Azure Standard Drop Lawrenceville