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Champaign, OH:  59th Street Bridge Song

Slow down, you move too fast…
You got to make the morning last…
Just kicking down the cobble stones…
Looking for fun and feelin’ groovy…

(Simon And Garfunkel – The 59th Street Bridge Song (feelin’ Groovy))

So, I have always been told to slow down…take it easy…let yourself rest…

Ummmm…I don’t know how? I am not kidding. I have been a busy queen bee since I was able to walk. Everyone wanted to calm me, constrict me, make me relax. It’s still like that. I run into people who ask me why I do so much? Why am I always busy? I should take time off. I should go on a nice long vacation. I should, I should, I should.

It’s enough to drive a girl insane. Very few people know what drives your market manager. Very few people know what makes me tick. Very few people know that I cannot relax until every little detail is finely tuned.

I get bored, I like to push the boundaries, I hated coloring inside the lines, and I abhorred being ordinary.

And so…enter this little local market of love, it’s own built in eccentricities that I love, and a whole lot of go power!

Go power gets things done, makes people aware, and makes them want to see more of what this market continues to say…Love, Be The Local Love, Be The Local Light…I cannot be still until I know everyone is vibing, grooving, dancing to the local beat.

Get ready to groove your orders. We know that our county fair starts, tomorrow, but there is no reason to not take time out from the busy week to order. Once you order, you can just rest. We do all the work. Slow down, you move too fast…we want your orders, any way that you feel like giving them to us!

With much love in the air…I open up this week’s market to the mellow tunes of Simon and Garfunkel AND of the silent little local song of love that comes from our hearts…

Peace, Love, Good Vibes…
Cosmic Pam

Suwanee Whole Life Co-op:  Group Buy: Organic Coconut Oils & Pantry Items

Suwanee Whole Life Co-op

Our Website:
Pick Up Location: 4942 Austin Park Avenue, Buford GA 30518 on Tuesdays
Like Us on Facebook: Suwanee Whole Life Co-op

Have a question for other co-op members

Submit questions on our Google Group Discussion Board:!forum/suwanee-whole-life-co-op

Group Buy: Wilderness Family Naturals

This weekend we will be taking orders for organic coconut oils and pantry items from Wilderness Family Naturals. These items include healthy oils, spices, cacao, grains, rice, coconut products, natural sweeteners and skin care products. We will also take orders for bulk Organic Mixed Nuts.

Case Pricing for Organic Mixed Nuts
In order to get a reduced price on the mixed nuts we need to order 25lbs as a group. Includes the following Raw, Certified Organic, Soaked and Dried Nuts: Pecans, Almonds, Walnuts, and Cashews.

These certified organic nuts have been soaked as Sally Fallon and the Weston A. Price Foundation suggests, and then dehydrated at low temperatures.

Eating nuts is a good thing. In July 2003, the FDA released a qualified health claim stating “Scientific evidence suggests, but does not prove, that eating 1.5 ounces per day of most nuts, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease.”

All prices on the website include discounted bulk pricing, taxes, fees and shipping.

This is a pre-paid pre-order. Payment is expected by this Tuesday. I will send out an prior to pick up when it is available. Due to shipping it will take at least 2 weeks before you can pick up.

Market News

Pick Up ends at 6:30 on Tuesdays
Just a reminder pick up ends on Tuesday at 6:30pm sharp! I have to have the warehouse locked up and ready to take my daughter to practice so please show up a little before 6:30 at the latest. Thank you all for your support!

My Daily Bread will be back next week!
My Daily Bread will be listing their items every other week. Feel free to double up on items that you would purchase weekly. Breads, tortillas, muffins, and other items freeze well.

Group Buy – FCLO
Fermented Cod Liver and other Green Pasture products that were ordered will be available this Tuesday for pick up.

Vacation Hold – Produce Boxes (repeat)
Just a reminder if you are going to be away on vacation please make sure you put a “vacation hold” on your Nature’s Garden Express produce box if you are scheduled to receive one. You can simply do this online or give NGE a call and they can set it up for you. If you get an email from them on Friday with your box menu that means your box is NOT on hold and will be delivered Tuesday. As always you can delete your box order before their Monday morning deadline.

Grass Fed Ground Buffalo and Pastured Chicken Breasts are AVAILABLE (repeat)
Both items are back in stock! These are 2 of the market’s best sellers so get them while they got ’em! Thanks for your patience!

Mountain Fresh Creamery (repeat)
We will no longer have Mountain Fresh Creamery on the market. The supplemental feed they give their cows contains GMOs. I am currently looking for a new dairy to provide us low temp pasteurized milk. I will keep you all updated. In the meantime, please consider Cedar Rock Dairy and Lil Tots Estate.

New Items

New Items this week on the market:
Bread – NO-GMO White Whole Wheat Chemical Free Bread from Lizzie’s Pantry (Unsliced for freshness) This delicious, freshly baked bread will be available every other week.

Volunteers Needed

Please volunteer if you can. I can’t run the co-op without your help!


THANK YOU Maya, Pam, Chuck, Virginia, and Vicki for helping out last Tuesday! We couldn’t run the co-op without your support!

August schedule is posted and sign up is available. To sign up click: Vounteer Sign up

No packing is involved just need someone to be there to assist other members. You are welcome to bring your kids as long as they are supervised.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Upcoming Group Buys

Below is a list of upcoming co-op group buys to help with planning and budgeting. All dates are subject to change.

Wilderness Family Naturals- (Organic Pantry Items) – 8/7 – 8/9

Sorghum Syrup – 8/21 – 8/23

Grass Fed Cheese – 9/18 – 9/20

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!

CSA Farmers Market:  Growing Season Update Aug 6, 2015

It is GARLIC HARVEST TIME! The mild temperature is perfect for garlic digging. The farmers have begun to dig out the bulbs and cure them. Select varieties will be ready in about 2 weeks.

The weather is staying just warm enough at night to kick tomato production in to gear! White Pine Farm and Law family Farm have several varieties available. They range from salad and slicers to bright orange and canning varieties!

Many of the farms (Law Family Farm, White Pine Farm and Whetham Organic Farm) are picking beans right now! Fresh beans are nutrient rich and add a beautiful variety of colors to your meal! All beans sold here at the CSA FARMERS MARKET are hand picked carefully to be sure not to break the beans. This helps to ensure the freshest quality and taste! It takes hours to harvest the tender beans hidden beneath the leaves.

Almars Orchard apples are now being harvested. They have Lodi apples. The ones they have available are weather kissed. These summer apples have a short shelf life. In a week or so expect to see Paula Reds and possibly Jersey apples if the quality is up to Almars standards!

Old99Farm Market:  RESEND: 10 Day Local Food Challenge

I found this idea on and thought, why not try to float it in the Dundas valley?
So read more here about the Local Food challenge.

Here is the basic idea in Vicki Robin’s own words.

“I invented this thing called the 10-Day Local Food Challenge, which is giving people a game to play that’s like my game, if a little easier. For 10 days (not 30 days), you eat only food grown within 100 miles of your home (not 10 miles), and you give yourself 10 exotics (not 4). October, (the) 10th month, 1st through 10th.

You do it as a process of self-discovery, a process of discovery of your community. I could bundle everything that I just said in terms of what I call “relational eating.”

I discovered that eating is…part of the hyper-individualistic mentality. [Many people in the US] think of eating as an act of consumption. “Food is in the store. We get food and we don’t even have to do anything other than pay for it…. Food is so easy and actually so cheap.”

[W]e don’t have any relationship with the hands and lands that feed us. But when you focus on local food, you realize that your destiny is tied to your place on Earth and to the competency of the people.

You care in a way that is so much more profound, and you know that your environment, it isn’t just a nice place to live…. No, I live in a community that can feed me. That is ultimate, and that’s around relocalization and resilience and resourcefulness."

The whole interview with Vicki is a good read too.

You may have come across her as the co-author of the classic “Your Money or Your Life”.

Reply here or email if you are interested in being part of this. We can talk about it when you come to the farm for your ‘local organic fresh’ produce.


CSA Farmers Market:  Drink Recipe Card

CSA Farmers Market:  BBQ Maple Mustard Pork Recipe

4 Almar Orchard pork chops
1 cup Law Family Farm Maple Mustard (divide into 2 equal amounts)
¼ tsp. Slow Dog Seasoning Rub My Belly blend
Salt and pepper
1. Set grill to medium, or, if using coals allow them to burn until medium heat is obtained.
2. Rub pork chops evenly with seasoning blend. Place on grill rack.
3. Brush affair amount of Maple Mustard on upward side. Cook 4-6 minutes, flip and apply to opposite side. Cook until center of the chop reaches 170 degrees, or until no longer pink.
4. Use reserved portion of Maple Mustard to drizzle over finished Pork.
5. Serve with grilled summer squash, or BBQ Kale chips for a perfect summer meal!

Joyful Noise Acres Farm:  Honey time, New Driveway

It is time to order honey again. For those interested, this is a cooperative effort in which we order honey from Blue Ridge Honey Company. We get a great price on honey on great honey.
If you are interested in ordering, e-mail me and I will e-mail you an order form…I cannot get the form attached into this e-mail.
We have Clover, Wildflower, Blueberry, American Holley and Galberry to choose from.

I need the orders back before the 12th and the honey will be delivered around the end of the 3rd week in August. I will send an e-mail reminder when it is delivered.

Our new neighbors have been extremely busy and we have been blessed by their efforts in the form of a new driveway. They will put the finishing touches on it this week. It is now very wide most of the way to the farm so no more worrying if you are going to meet someone on the road and have to back up or pull over and fall over the embankment. We hope you will come visit us soon.

Blessings to all,
Mary Beth

Naples,FL:  Market is open

Market is open and ready for orders

South Cumberland Farmer's Market:  Time to Order Local Food!

It’s time to order from the South Cumberland Farmers’ Market

click here to go directly to the marketpage

To Contact Us

South Cumberland Farmers’ Market
931-592-3399 (no voice mail)


Market News

TURTLE RUN FARM will not be on the market this week but will be selling cucumbers, heirloom tomatoes, zucchini, and yellow squash outside on Tuesday.
SOLACE FARM announces several new soaps, including a Rosemary Bergamot bar and an alpaca fleece-wrapped bar, and a variety of multiple-bar discount packages available (Christmas will be here all too soon). Look for additional goat milk soaps coming soon as well. Also available, strawberry plants! Plant them now for big, vigorous plants next spring.

MARTINEZ VEGETABLES is thrilled to be able to offer homegrown fruits and vegetables to the customers of the Cumberland Farmers’ Market. All our produce is field grown and sun ripened. We are a small family farm striving to provide ourselves and our customers real and delicious produce. This week we are offering heirloom cherry tomatoes, jalapeño and Serrano peppers, tomatillos, heirloom South American winter squash, and several varieties our popular watermelons and cantaloupes. The melons are spectacular this year. Be on the lookout for several other types of hot peppers, heirloom melons, and much more in the coming weeks. Gracias!

GINGER’S PRODUCE is also new to the Cumberland Farmers’ Market this week and excited to offer their peaches and cream corn. Our corn has done very well this year and it is delicious! We look forward to putting a wider variety of produce and plants on the market in the future!
WHITE CITY PRODUCE AND GREENHOUSES announces that Fall CSA registration is now open through August 31st.
DOGWOOD FARM BAKERY will not be on the market next week but will return the following week.
The envelopes on the side of the kitchen ’fridge are for mailing your checks for left-behind orders. Please, please DO NOT SEND CASH in the envelopes. This is for your protection. Thank you.
If you would like your market order delivered, please contact Rachel Lynch. E-mail: or phone 931-598-0774.

Payment of all CFM orders MUST be made in advance of Tuesday’s delivery. Checks must be mailed in time to be posted to customer accounts before closing of market ordering on Monday. Mail checks made out to CFM to Kir Strobel, 744 Timberwood Trace, Monteagle, TN 37356.
Before you order, be sure you see the little shopping cart. If you do not, log out and log in again. If this fails, turn off your computer completely and start again. This includes ordering from smart phones.

If you want to leave a comment for a grower, be sure to put it in the “Leave comment for grower” area in RED beneath the item you’re ordering. Placing comments in the market manager section will not be seen by the growers.
Don’t forget…
If you do not receive an order confirmation within 5 minutes, your order has NOT been placed in the system. E-MAIL OR CALL US to get the problem solved so you will not be disappointed on market day.

Please remember the market closes at 10 a.m. on Monday; therefore, your order must be completed and placed, and you should be signed out of the software.

Order pickup begins on Tuesday at 4:30 p.m.
If you have any questions, please call (931.592.3399, no voice mail) or e-mail ( us.

Kir Strobel & Linda Boynton
Market Co-Managers


There is plenty more available so take your time and check out the whole list.

Click here to browse the whole list.

Coming Events

Keep up to date with the CFM by visiting our organization’s blog. or our Facebook Page .

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!


Old99Farm Market:  10 Day Local Food Challenge

I found this idea on and thought, why not try to float it in the Dundas valley?
So read more here about the Local Food challenge.

Here is the basic idea in Vicki Robin’s own words.

“I invented this thing called the 10-Day Local Food Challenge, which is giving people a game to play that’s like my game, if a little easier. For 10 days (not 30 days), you eat only food grown within 100 miles of your home (not 10 miles), and you give yourself 10 exotics (not 4). October, (the) 10th month, 1st through 10th.

You do it as a process of self-discovery, a process of discovery of your community. I could bundle everything that I just said in terms of what I call “relational eating.”

I discovered that eating is…part of the hyper-individualistic mentality. [Many people in the US] think of eating as an act of consumption. “Food is in the store. We get food and we don’t even have to do anything other than pay for it…. Food is so easy and actually so cheap.”

[W]e don’t have any relationship with the hands and lands that feed us. But when you focus on local food, you realize that your destiny is tied to your place on Earth and to the competency of the people.

You care in a way that is so much more profound, and you know that your environment, it isn’t just a nice place to live…. No, I live in a community that can feed me. That is ultimate, and that’s around relocalization and resilience and resourcefulness."

The whole interview with Vicki is a good read too.

You may have come across her as the co-author of the classic “Your Money or Your Life”.

Reply here or email if you are interested in being part of this. We can talk about it when you come to the farm for your ‘local organic fresh’ produce.
